Individuals who have purchased 'on-sale' items from the LEDMyPlace website may be entitled to compensation.

The company uses false reference pricing on many items to mislead individuals to buy their items.

You may be entitled to compensation if you have purchased items from LEDMyPlace, due to the company using false reference pricing to encourage consumers to buy their products.

The Issue

Our attorneys are investigating LEDMyPlace, an LED lighting fixture and equipment manufacturer & retailer.

The company is misleading individuals into believing that some of their products are 'on-sale' or discounted even though the strike-through prices have remained the same and were never sold at its original price.

The items were never sold at the original price which constitutes a violation for false reference pricing.

The state of California has a law requiring sales to last for only 90 days, or to disclose the last date on which the item was sold at its supposed MSRP.

Please sign up below if you have purchased from the LEDMyPlace website. Eligible individuals are entitled to compensation.

Have You Purchased Items from LEDMyPlace?

You may be entitled to financial compensation for your assistance with this case.

Why Join a Class Action Lawsuit?

A class action lawsuit helps consumers maintain the rights and privileges that are afforded by the laws of their state. A successful case could also put an end to any illegal practices. This is our main goal to ensure that the public isn't subjected to unethical and illegal practices by big companies who think they can get away with it.

Further, some states may allow for the collection of statutory damages – which means that, in a successful case, the consumer may be entitled to an additional award under the law.

Join a Class Action Lawsuit

We are pressing forward quickly with this class action case. Act now to become a part of this case and qualify for compensation.

If you do request to join, you can expect to hear back from an attorney for a consultation to determine if you qualify to join the class action lawsuit.

Take Action

If you have recently purchased items from the LEDMyPlace website, please tap below and share your information to help hold this company accountable.

Class Action FAQ:

Q1: Will this cost me any money?

A1: No. Attorneys in class action only get paid if they win. And the company we are suing foots our bill.

Q2: What do I gain from signing up for this case?

A2: The goal of this case is to hold companies accountable for their bad behavior, and you can help.

If the case succeeds, judges usually award class representatives $1,000 - $10,000 to those who sign up to be a class representative.

But if you are just doing it for the money, you aren’t the right candidate for us. We are looking for class representatives who are looking for justice, not easy cash.

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